Biofeed's Unique Technology – Slow Fluid Release
Slow Fluid release (SFR) - Background
The market we focus on deals with manipulation of insects for the purpose of control, cure or feed. Current common technologies aimed to replace spraying are based on evaporation. The source of energy to run the Slow Fluid Release (SFR) delivery system is gravity. Through gravity we control a slow release of fluid containing a mixture of lures and additives, over periods of months and years. Such additives may contain, amongst others: food substances, feeding stimulants and killing or curing agents.
SFR Opens New Horizons for Pest Control
SFR enables the control of the rate of fluid release, with much less dependence on environmental conditions (i.e. weather)! As a result, for the first time we can develop slow-release products that are continuously active for years (Figures 1 and 2)!

Figure 1. Available technologies - efficiency over time
(e.g. treps, mating disruption and sprays).

Figure 2. SFR delivert platform efficiency over time.
Area-Wide-Management (AWM)
Part of the E.F. Knipling* legacy is the principle that: total insect population management over generations achieves greater suppression than a higher level of control on just part of the population. It means that continuous, year-round pest control over large areas is superior to local-temporary control. However, due to cost, environmental impact (of spraying) and logistical considerations this is mostly impossible. Using the SFR delivery platform with service requirements of once a year, AWM becomes possible and very cost-effective.
Using the SFR delivery platform, we can control the release of minute quantities (0.1 to 1.0 gram/day), and fix the combination of ingredients within the formula. Thus, every measured amount of fluid released on day 1 is similar to another measured amount of fluid released on day 10 to 365.
Want to learn more about Biofeed's unique SFR Technology? Don't hesitate to contact us for more information