Investor's Overview


Pests have always challenged human existence by harming its agricultural production and food availability,investorsn consequently increasing the cost of food. The modern response to this problem has been the advent of pesticides, that achieved secure dependable food sources. However, this is accomplished at the expense of human health and damage to the environment.


Biofeed's innovative solution consists of a simple, easy to use 'feeding station'. It is based on an innovative, smallbiopatented, Slow Fluid Release (SFR) delivery system and formulas. Each formula is specific to the target pest, continuously active and effective for up to one year.


 Growers using the Biofeed formula have experienced a sharp decrease, of 98%, in fruit fly spraying, alongside a smallbiosimultaneous drop of 93% in produce infestation, compared to a spraying regime!  It is further reported that this decrease is followed by over 60% less spraying for the control of pests other than fruit flies.


 Our future developments and unique know-how-based innovations will extend the effective period of the smallbioproduct, using fewer units per hectare (lower cost for grower) and offering simultaneous control of several pests.


Biofeed is aiming to expand its activity to cover new markets and develop new product categories.smallbio


To achieve these goals the company is looking for investors.



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